Porbeagle ted among the effective ;me groups, and with a relatively small proportion of infants and de- pendents represented. An increasing popula- tion resulting from a high birth rate is actually less desirable than a low death rate and a grea- er average duration of life. At the present time, the increase of population is of less concern than its character, and sociologists and econo- mists are investigating carefully the great problems arising from the rapid development of densely populated centers. There is no abso- lute standard of population or over-popula- tion. The density of population—the average number of persons per square mile—may in- crease without causing serious suffering, pro- vided the opportunities to secure subsistencc increase correspondingly. A certain density of population is necessary to really effective social and political life; while an excessive density is detrimental to the health, and destroys the comfort of the inhabitants. Porbeagle (Lamma cornubica}, a shark which occurs in the North Atlantic Ocean, and which is known among American fishermen as a mackerel shark. It reaches a length of ten ft., and feeds chiefly on fish. 3790________________________Porphyry Porch, a covered space immediately in front of the entrance to a building, open in front, and more or less enclosed at the sides. A porch is only a subordinate part of a build- ing, whereas the1 portico may be the whole of a front. Porcupine, a family of rodents. In Eu- rope, Asia, and Africa occur the members of the genu< Hystrix. The most familiar species is //. cri\tatut found in S. Europe and N. Africa. The American porcupines differ in several respects from the Old World forms; they are all arboreal in their habits, and with the exception of the northern forms (Ercthi- Porbeagle. Porcelain, the material of the highest class of ceramic ware, is composed of a kind of clay (kaolin) mixed with feldspar and covered with a glaze. It is frequently decorated cither under or over the glaze. By porcelain is now gen- erally meant hard porcelain, the secret of which was discovered in China. The process that distinguishes porcelain from pottery is the hard firing. In Chinese porcelain the body of kaolin and the glaze of feldspar are fired together at a temperature of about 1,400° Centigrade, or over 3,000° Fah- renheit. In European porcelain the body, of mixed kaolin and feldspar, is fired at a low temperature; then, having been dipped in the glaze, it is fired at a very high temperature. The materials of porcelain were discovered in Europe in 1709 by Bottler, chemist to the Elector of Saxony, who established the Dres- den manufactory. The Sevres factory, estab- lished by royal decree, began to make porce- lain in 1768, while factories were established in the towns of Plymouth and Bristol in Eng- tad. \orth on it pine. zlon dvrstitits and K. <'/?Aw/////,s), all possess prehensile tails. In the common porcupine of Eastern North America the spines are short, and are concealed by the long hair. They are also easily detached, and are slightly barbed at the points. The tuil is broad and massive, and is the chief active means of defence, the animal delivering powerful lateral blows with it. Porgy. See Scup. Pork, the flesh of the pig, exclusive of bacon and ham. Bacon is the sides and back of the animal and ham the thigh, both being salted and smoked. Porosity, a term indicating the presence of minute holes or pores throughout an otherwise solid body. Pores may vary much in size: thus in sponge and pumice stone the pores are ob- vious; but in charcoal and ungluzerl earthen- ware they require to be demonstrated by the way in which such substances can suck up liquids or gases, or allow the passage of liquids or gases, through them. Porosity is made use of to absorb liquids and gases, as in the use of blotting-paper, or charcoal for filtration of liquids, and in separating gases by diffusion. Porphyry, u beautiful igneous rock show- ing bright-mi spots on a dark-red ground. The parfido rasao (tntwo was much admired by the ancients, who used it for interior dec- orations and objects of art. It? color is due to the presence of a red nr pink variety of cpi* dote,. The rock itself would at the present day be classed rather among the porphy rites than the porphyries, as its feldspar is mainly phurio- clase; fc contains also dark-brown hornblende,