rorpoise 3791 Port At present the term, when used alone, is in j manufactories of aerated waters, farm imple- strict usage restricted to a group of acid and I ments, pumps; p. 6,574, sub-acid rocks, containing phenocrysts of or- i Portalis, Jean Etienne Marie (1746- th oclase feldspar. Granite porphyries are pink | 1807), French jurist, was born in Beausset, near Toulon. He incurred the animosity of Robespierre during the French Revolution and was arrested in 1793, but was released on the fall of his enemy, and became president of the Council of Ancients. In iSoo he was employed by Napoleon to assist in drafting the famous Code Civil. Portal System, the four large veins, the superior and inferior mesenteric, the gastric, and the splenic, which unite to form the portal vein, carrying venous blood from the viscera concerned in digestion to the liver. Port Angeles, city, Washington, county seat of Clallam co., situated on the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It has a good harbor, is engaged in the lumber industry, and has several cream- eries. In the vicinity are two lakes affording splendid trout fishing; p. 9,409. Port Antonio, seaport town, situated on the north coast of Jamaica, British West Indies; the second commercial city of the island and the center of the fruit trade; p. ,074. Port Arthur, city and port of entry, Thun- der Bay district, Ontario, Canada, situated on an arm of Lake Superior. The city has steam- er connection with Duluth, Minn., and with Owen Sound on Lake Huron, and is one of the chief commercial points on the northwest shore of Lake Superior. It is the seat of ex- tensive lumbering and mining interests, has numerous grain elevators, and manufactures tents, awnings, and bricks; p. 16,134. Port Arthur (Chinese Lu-shun-kau), nav- al and commercial port, situated at the south- eastern extremity of the Liao-tung peninsula, Manchukuo. It is situated on the northern and eastern sides of a bay of the Yellow Sea and is surrounded by rocky hills. The harbor entrance, which is ice-free, is about 380 yds. broad. Port Arthur was taken by the Japanese in 1894 during the Chinese-Japanese War, but, upon the intervention of Russia, France, and Germany, was returned to China. In 1898 it was leased by China to the Russians, who fortified it and made it their chief naval base in the Far East and the terminus of the Siberian Railway. It was attacked by the Japanese at the outbreak of the Russo-Jap- anese War, and capitulated after a prolonged siege. The treaty of Portsmouth (1905) awarded it to Japan for the remainder of the period of the Russian lease, and in 1915 the lease was extended to 99 years; p. 14,000, or gray rocks, with pale feldspars, dark plates of mica, and gray or colorless blebs of quartz in a micro-crystalline or felsitic quartzo-felds- pathic or granophyric ground-mass. Quartz- porphyries usually show rounded quartzes in a fine, stony matrix. Porpoise, a name applied by sailors indis- criminately to any of the smaller toothed whales, but which should be restricted to the members of the genus Phocsena, of which P. communis, the common porpoise, is abundant in all northern oceans. It reaches a length of about five ft., and has a rounded muzzle, not prolonged into a beak, as in the dolphin. The upper surface is almost black, and the under, which is constantly shown as the porpoise rolls in the water, is pure white. The two tints gradually fade into each other. Porsena, Lars, in ancient Roman legend, king of Clusium in Etruria, who soon after the expulsion of the kings of Rome in 509 B.C. tried to restore Tarquin. He took the fortress on the hill Janiculum, on the right bank of the Tiber, and would have crossed into Rome by the pile-bridge but for the bravery of Horatius Codes. See Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome. Portage, city, Wis., county seat of Colum- bia co., on the Wisconsin R. and the govern- ment ship canal between the Fox and Wiscon- sin Rs. Steamboats run regularly to and from Green Bay. It is the center of a region fertile in grain and tobacco, with mineral deposits of iron, copper, and marl. The chief manufac- tures are pickles, bricks, hosiery, underwear, flour, shoes, sashes, and blinds. There are iron works and grain elevators. The vicinity was one of the first localities explored by Father Marquette and was the scene of the Black Hawk War. The historic Fort Winnebago is just outside the city limits; p. 7,016. Portage Lake, a lake in Houghton co., Mich. Its s. part is connected with Keweenaw Bay by a narrow channel called Portage Entry. It is nearly 20 m. long and a or 3 m. wide, and is navigable by large vessels. A ship- canal nearly 2% m. long and 100 ft. wide con- nects its n. end with Lake Superior, enabling steamboats on the latter to pass through a route /shorter than around Keweenaw Point. Portage la Prairie, tn,, Manitoba, Cana- da, co. seat of Portage la Prairie co., is the market of a fertile farming region and has flour mills, brickyards, grain-elevators, and