Proterosaurus 3850 Prothallus and as a source of energy. Proteins arc in- soluble in and usually coagulated by alcohol. They are also coagulated by heat. Proterosaurus, a fossil reptile found in the Permian strata of Bohemia and North Amer- ica. Proterozoic Era, that period of geological time between the making of the igneous com- plex of the oldest known rocks and the be- ginning of the lowest system now known to contain well-preserved fossils. It ib therefore the time between the Archcnn in its restricted sense and the Paleozoic. As thus used, it is a synonym of the term Algonkian of the II. S. Geological Survey. Protestant. See Protestantism. Protestant Episcopal Church, the title officially adopted by the Anglican commun- ion in America (see CHURCU, ANGLICAN).The church of the Jamestown colonists in 1607 was the Anglican. With the recognition of the independence of the Colonies, at the close of the Revolution, the English Church as such ceased to exist there, hut loyal Churchmen set themselves the task of organizing a na- tional church upon Episcopal foundations and traditions. In the year 1784 a movement was begun to unite the Episcopalians in the United States in one organization. The Eng- lish Prayer Book was to be the basis of the Liturgy, but so modified as to be suitable for the new political status. The first General Convention, composed of 16 clergymen and 24 laymen from seven States, met in Philadelphia, Sept. 27, 1785, drafted an ecclesiastical constitution, and be- gan the preparation of a liturgy. Corres- pondence with the Archbishop of Canter- bury and the passage of the Act of Parlia- ment enabling the English episcopate to con- secrate bishops for America, prepared the way for the consecration in 1787, of Dr, White of Pennsylvania and Dr. Provoost of New York. The General Convention which met in Philadelphia, July 28-Oct. if>, 1780, completed the union of the church in the States under one name and government. The ministry of the church comprises bishops, priests, and deacons. The territory of the United States is divided into dioceses or missionary districts, each under the juris- diction of a bishop, Bishop-coadjutors are allowed the right of succession, and also suffragan bishops who arc eligible but have not the right of succession. The dioceses and missionary districts arc further grouped into eight provinces, with a metropolitan see at the head of each. In matters of legislation the General Convention is first, then the diocesan convention, and lastly the parochial vestry. The General Convention meets every three years. Any revision of the constitution of the Prayer Book must lie over from one convention to another and be passed bv both. The diocesan conventions meet annually and legislate for their own internal affairs. Vestries are elected by the members of the parish. Rectors are chosen by the vestries, usually with the advice of the bishop. In matters of discipline there are canonical pro- visions, both general and diocesan. There are various organizations devoted to the religious, social, and educational work of the church. The leading church publica- tions a re: The Church at Work, The Church- wan, The Living Church, The S/ririt of Mis- sions, The Witness, Tltc. Chronicle and The Antficiin Theological Review. Consult Bishop Perry's History; Hodges* Three Hundred Years of the fipisc.opdl Church hi America. Protestantism. The name 'Protestant' was first given to the supporters of Luther, who 'protested' against the decree of the second Diet of Spires in 1520. The name was soon extended to ail the churches which separated from Rome, whether Episcopal or Presby- terian. Since the Oxford movement in the Church of England it has sunk into dis- favor with thr Anglican Catholic party. Proteus (Proteus an#uinns), a long, slen- der amphibian, representative of the family Protekku, which retains throughout life ex- ternal gills, which are provisional larval structures in most Amphibia. It lives always in absolute darkness. So far as is known, it never leaves the water* The body is white, faintly touched with red by the blood. The animal reaches a length of about a foot, ha? a long tail, four weak limbs placed far apart. A related species is found in the United States, in caves in Texas, The American mud- puppy or mud-eel, another related form, is nocturnal in its activities, searching at night for the worms, crayfish, frogs, etc., on which it lives and hiding under rocks, or amid weeds, during the day. Proteu*, in ancient Greek mythology, 'the old man of the sea.' He had prophetic pow- ers; but any man who desired his advice must seitfe him and hold him while he changed into one shape after another: if he was kept a prisoner, at last he returned to his true form and declared the future. Prothallus, the name given to the flat, heart-shaped body which results from the de- velopment of a spore of a fern. On the under