Punip*_ _ 3880 The HyJniHlir J?f/w 5s •liu-.traK'd diagram- muticall) in M^. 7. The watei entcis the pipe A Irotn LI stream or other souru-, and Hows out thiough tin1 valvr is to \va-»te, and upon attaining a u-rtaiii velocilx tlo-ics tlnV valve stiddetilx. Th*1 momentum left in (he flovvinu water enahk-s if in (.onlinui- its course, and it pjibsi't1. on, (»pens the vain- c, and expends Us enemy in lifting a portion ol it^ell to the point of delivers, which may be a consider- 7. Hydraulic Ram, /I. .v. Air Uft rump, able height up the delivery pipe it. As the ef- fccfs subside the valve t: closes, u opens, and and smaller pipe* passing down the bore- hole, and turned up at its lovvrr end into the open pipi- J1/'. Air i^ forced down this pipe, and carefully regulated as to amount and pressure in such u manner as to reduce the specific gravity of the column of water uc, so that its vertical downward pressure at c is hss, than iU upward vertical pressure due to the column of water I'C, F being the level of water in the bore-hole. Under these condi- tions the column of water vr in the bore- hole will rather more than balance the col- umn of water nc1 in the rising main, and water will consequently flow out at o, and continue to do so as long as the boring, with its water level at K, continues to supply the requisite quantity of water. Punch, or The London Charivari, a fa- mous London weekly was founded in 1843, at the inspiration of Ivhenexer Landells, a London wood engraver and draughtsman. Douglas Jerrold, who till hN death continued to be one of the most active members of the staff, wrote his immortal Airs. CtittdWs Cur- tain Lecture for Punch, In 1X50 Tcnnicl drew his first cartoon for Punch, rind from r.Ssj until njoi be was responsible for this salient feature of the paper, one of the most striking conceptions being Cropping the Pilot1' />, BiMnarrk. Charles Keene, another artist whose work has helped to make Punch famous joined the regular staff in 1860, and four years later George Du Manner fol- lowed. Mr. Linley Sambourno, who succeeded Sir John Tenniel as cartoonist in chief, dates bis staff connection with Punch from 1867 The subject of the cartoon has, since i8