Pyrheliometer 38S6 Pyromania pus consists of an elevated membranous bor- der, and the achcne? are angular but not winded. Pyrheliometer, an instrument, devised by Pouillet to measure the heat radiated by the sun. It consisted of a thin, dNc-shiipcd metal box containing water, to act ;LS a calorimeter, \vintcrgreen family, allied to tbe heaths, and usually found in shady woods. The flowers are five-parted, borne in racemes on tracted snipes, and the leaves are in a tuft at the base and are often evergreen. Pyromania. An insanity dependent upon hereditary or acquired constitutional tondi- ^VJMtf- Left, Pvramid of ("ht'ops; Riuhl, The Third Pvramid. supported by an axial tube containing a thermometer. Pyridinc, C,\Hr,N, a basic compound occur- ring in coal tar and in the oil obtained by the distillation of bones, from both of which substances it may be separated by distillation of the, basic portion. It is the parent sub- stance of u law number of derivatives, in- cluding some of the natural alkaloids, such as nicotine and piperidine. Pyrites, strictly speaking, is bisulphide of iron, FeSii, and occurs very commonly as a brassy mineral (sp. xr. 5), crystallizing in the cubic system, Hwtted in air it burns, yielding sulphur dioxide gas, and leaving a residue of ferric oxide. This reaction is largely employed to prepare sulphur dioxide for tlut sulphuric acid industry, PyrocatccKin, GJI^OH):!, is ortho-diliy- droxy-btmene, It is formed \vben cat whin and .similar bodies are distilled, and is prepar- ed from the Ruaisicol, C«Hi(OH)(OCH»), oc- curring in beech tar by heating with hydriodic add, PyrograHoI, or Pyro^allic Acid, (^ij-jt (OH)aT Is a trihydroxy-bemcne obtained by heating gallic acid. Pyrography LH *thc decoration of wood by partially burning or charring/ producing ef- fects like those of dark-brown paint. Pyrola* A genus of low perennials in the lion, uith periodic manifestations. It resem- ble*, dipsomania and kleptomania. At times Pyrograpky* the patient experiences an impulse, generally Irresistible, to set ftrc to something, and en*