Quebec 3896 Queen chartered by Queen Victoria and Pope Pius ix., is the largest and most influential Catholic institution of higher education in Canada. Quebec is an important port, and is con- nected by steamship with Kuropcan and other seaports. All the ocean steamships to anf the expedi- tion which WUH proceeding from NVw Vork. The War of the Spanish Succession WON ended by the Treaty of Utrecht in 171^; but the border warfare continued nearly a year longer. By the treaty tin: French gave up Acadia, the country around limtaon Bay, and all daimw to Newfoundland, though reserving the ritfht to land for drying fish, Cape Breton was retained. Queen Charlotte UUnd*, a group oft" the coast of British Columbia, Canada. They were discovered in 1778 by Captain Cook, and annexed to the British empire in 1787, Timber is abundant, and the fisheries art1 very pro-