Quanone 3900 Quoits structure, like' naphthalene, bill uitb i-ne nl the CH groups in the // position icplau-d b\ a nitrogen atom. Si hums .ii:lK and is the parent substance ol a number ot du-HuiK It is also used in medicine, lujvinu antiseptic and antipyretic PIOJH ities. Quinone, .CuIJiO., a diketone, derived from benzene by replacement of the two hydrogen atoms in the ptii'ti pa-it ion by oxy- gen atoms. It is soluble in waier, and when reduced forms hydroquinone, a compound much used as a photographic developer. Quinquagesima, the Sunday immediately before the first Sunday in Lent. Qumquereme, an ancient is pe ot ship-of- war, introduced by I)ionysius of Syracune ilbout 400 in*. They \\tre propelled by live banks of oars on e«,ch side. Quinsy or Pcritonsillnr Abscess. See Tonsils. Quintain, a mark or figure For tilting at with lances- or poles. The pustirnc, common in the middle ages, wis continued till the iSth century as a wedding sport. Quintal, a French -veight, generally of 100 Ins., corresponding in itr> uses to the hun- dredweight of Great Britain. Quintana, Manuel Jose (177-'-i^57K Spanish man of letters. His best-known Oionnr nui'itupIeK all prl.- 1'heii < oinhined \\vighl \\-ni- Ic>.s I ban i | poiu.ds at biith. Dr. A. K I)aloe, (he local pb\r-irian, \v;is in at- leiidanu1. The Ontario unvcrnnu'nt and Ca- nadian kt-ii Cro^- Soiif<> acted as guardians ot the quintuplets and t'ie< li-d a ho -pilal e them. On Mas jS, in.to, their second birthdav, .wiiomuvmrnt was made (hat a motion pi< line < ontracl had been sinned that pmvidcd S.scuoo in cash tor the children. This, in addition to other money re- ii-.ved, made (heir earnings $750,000 bv the tim,' the\ were six \eai.s old. The tunning cosU of the Nursery, amounting to about S.'h.soo a u'lir, were paid out of the quintup- let* turnings. In h*,|i Dr. Datoe reported that the children uerc about ;o per cent Iieaviei1 than the au-ra^f rhihl of their age. Quirinus. See Romulus. Quisling, Vidkun Abraham Lauritz (iSS; n»i.O. Nnnvei'.iaa major, head oi the poems are Odd a /'(Klilla, Kl I*(Uit('<>n d*'l \ Norwegian Na/i parl>. < Jn (iernian invasion Rscoriali La IHVCHCWH d? In Fwfirt'ntn, and ,*i i of Noruay (April, IMJO> he acrepttsl diiei patriotic poem calling his countrymen to J place in the Naxi'Sponsored government, arms. ('Quisling lias come to stai.d for traitor. At Quintet, u species of intiMcal composition the clo.'-e of VN'orld in five parts, Instrumental quintet* ma\ !ni Irinl in Norway an< written for one particular cla^s of instrument traitor, Sept, 10, 1045. or for a combination of various kinds. • Quito, capital of Kcnadm. and of the Quintilian (:{0-r. 100), \\hose full name i province of I'ichiiuhii, South America, in an was Marcus Faluns QuintiiiaiiUN went to lew losed basin <»j the Andes near the equator. Rome before «?*) ,\,u. He gained di.-tinctiuij jit ha-i an elr\'u(ion of uv.so it. above sea there> as a teacher of rhetoric, and was (be-level, with strikingly picturesque and ini- firs't public instructor paid by the .state, Ipnvive vieus, includitm some of tin- highest Among his pupik was Pliny the VotmutT. .peaks of the Andes. His chief work, still extant, was a complete | Quit-rent. In Kn<;land it wjis formerly the treatise on rhetoric in twelve books, entitled > custom to iwrvc a uominal rent upon niak- I)r InstitutwiH1 Ontturiu librl xn,> or simply [ing an otherwise ahsoluie grant oi land, as a fnstitittwncs Ortitvritv. ;.st»rt of recognition of iVudal tenure liy tho Quintuplets, live rhilrlren l«:ri at tb;* • grantee. This was known as a quil-ivnt. The same time. Twin births o<:c>ir once in about 'term is sometimes used in the United Slates, 88 births, triplet births once in about 7,700 ,not hi consideration of release of iVudal serv- births, quadruplet births onci- in about 0,000,- • ices, but as part consideration for the property, ooo births, 3t would !HM'3qM'«'tt'd, by Hellin's : Quoins, wrought stone blocks at the cor- Lavv, that quinlupk-t !>irths would occur onct! ners of Iniildings, from which they may pro- in 500,000,000 births* or practically once in ajjcct slightly, with either .splayed, e.urv<»d, or generation, Actual occurrences are more fre-; sharp ed^es. qucnt, yet, until 10^4 no case has been re- j Quoits, a popular British «ame. The quoit ported where the children have livwi. In that j is a direct descendant of tins Latin diseus> a year, in Callcndcr, Ontario, were born the !iing of iro« or stone, from 10 to 12 inches in