Raccoon 3903 Racemic coon (P. lotor) is found throughout North America and in many parts of Mexico. The body is strongly built, the head broad be- hind, but tapering in front to a sharp muz- of their fur, and also hunted at night with the aid of dogs. Race. See Ethnology; Species. Race, Cape, the southeastern extremity of Photos by Newman, Berkhamstcad. Show Breeds oj Rabbits. Upper Left, Blue Dutch; Upper Right, Blue Angora; Center, Dutch-Marked Angora; Lower Left, English Rabbit; Lower Right, Flemish Giant. zlc, and furnished with small and rounded ears. The head and body together measure from 22 to 26 in,, the tail, which is ringed with black and white, being about ten ins. Newfoundland. It has a lighthouse whose light, 180 feet above the sea, is a beacon for vessels on the North Atlantic route. Raceme, an inflorescence in which the Raccoon. long. The body color is brownish. The fur is loftg» soft, and thick, and the pelt has com- mercial value. Raccoons are diligently trap- ped in many parts of the country for the sake flowers are borne on pedicels of equal length along a central rachis, usually elongated. Racemic Acid, COOH (CHOH)S COOH, is that mixture of levo- and dextro-tartaric