Representatives 3967 Reproduction domestic and foreign affairs, from the crown ! to the Parliament. The governments of the United States, Canada, Australia, and Brit- ish South Africa have almost from the very first adopted thoroughly representative schemes of government. UNITED STATES.—Representation in some form was recognized in the governments of the English colonies in America, the first colony to obtain a representative legislature being Virginia, the General Assembly of which commenced to meet in 1619. The others obtained in course of time similar privileges. Yet in all but a very few cases the executive was entirely independent of the people, and responsible to the crown or proprietary alone. This was one of the main causes of the friction that prevailed during the rSth century. At present, in each State of the United States districts are marked out by the legislature for the election of State senators and representatives respectively. The members of the U. S. House of Repre- sentatives are apportioned among the differ- ent States after the completion of each cen- sus according to population. They are either chosen by the State electors at large, or, as is generally the case, districts are marked out by the State legislature. Each State is en- titled to two representatives in the U. S. Senate, who hold office for six years, and who until 1913 were chosen by the votes of the members of the State legislature. In that year the Seventeenth Amendment was added to the Constitution, making provision for the direct election of Senators. The President is appointed by a body of independent electors, each State contributing a number equivalent to that of the Senators and Representatives whom it sends to Con- gress. As these electors are chosen by the people, however, the President is in all but name elected directly by the popular vote. PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION is an elec- toral system devised for the rectification of a manifest injustice in the ordinary methods of political election. In countries where these methods prevail a substantial minority of voters may obtain only a small minority of members, and may have practically little or no representation. A number of plans have been suggested for remedying this evil. Sec ELECTIONS; ELECTORATE; LOCAL GOV- ERNMENT; PARTY GOVERNMENT. Consult Commons* Proportional Representation; Curtis' Proportional Representation; King and Raffety's Our Electoral System. Representatives. U. S. House of, the Lower House of Congress. See UNITED STATES, Government. Reprieve is an act of the executive or of a criminal court by which the carrying out of a capital sentence is temporarily delayed. When granted by the executive the object generally is to allow time in order that the advisability of a pardon may be considered. Reprisal. Formerly when an individual suffered injury from a foreign state, he was given a letter of reprisal, in virtue of which he could seize or confiscate the property be- longing to that state or its subjects by way of securing compensation. The idea of re- prisals is that they should be a means of redress short of war, and they are only to be used when compensation cannot be got by amicable methods. The following acts of reprisal without the declaration or exist- ence of war are recognized by the sanction of usage and authority: (i) the sequestration of property belonging to the offending state; (2) the sequestration of the property of its citizens; (3) the partial or complete suspen- sion of commercial and other intercourse be- tween the two nations; (4) suspension or annulment of treaties in part or in whole; (5) withdrawal of all privileges and rights to domiciled citizens of the offending state; (6) a pacific blockade. Reproduction is the term applied to the whole process whereby life is continued from generation to generation. Reproduction is one of the prime functions of protoplasm, and is intimately related to growth, of which Reproduction by Fission: Four Stages in the Reproduction of Amoeba. it may indeed be regarded as a special case. The phenomenon occurs in its simplest form in many Protozoa, as in amoeba, for example, which grows until it reaches the limit of ad- vantageous size, and then reproduces by di- viding into two parts (fission). Comparing multicellular forms with the Protozoa, we find that, generally speaking, these, in place of simply dividing, give of! two kinds of spe-