Rocky 4019 Rodgers was by Lewis and Clark in 1804. Other early explorers were Harman, Long, Schoolcraft, Nicollet, Bonneville, Pike, and especially Fre- mont. Since 1840, numerous expeditions have been sent to this work, and at the present time the U. S. Geological Survey has parties in this field each year. Rocky Mountain Sheep. See Bighorn; Sheep* Rod, or Pole, or Perch, a unit of lineal measure, used in land-surveying, and equival- ent to sYz yards, or 16^2 ft. command of the army, he revolted in 708, and deprived him of the crown. Tarik, a Moorish chief, gave his aid to the sons of the deposed king, invaded Spain, and decided the fate of the Gothic monarchy by defeating Roderic in the battle of Guadalete, Roderic himself being among the slain. Rodez, chief tn. of French dep. Aveyron, stands high on a river bluff, crowned by a noble Gothic cathedral (1274-1535). It is rich in houses of the i$th and i6th centuries. There are manufactures of woolens, serge, The American Rockies. Left, Marshall Pass, Mount Ouray; Right, Long Lake and Snowy Range, Near Ward, Col. Rodbertus, Johann Karl (1805-75), Ger- man economist, the founder of scientific so- cialism, was born at Greifswald in Pomerania. Starting with the postulate that labor is the source of all wealth, Rodbertus believed that the natural effects of the operation of the ex- isting economic laws will be to bring about eventually the realization of the ideal of state socialism, when land, capital, and the products of labor shall be national property. His views are laid down in Zur Erkldrung und Abhilfe der heutigen Kreditnot des Grundbesitzes (1868), and other works. Rodentia, or Gnawing Mammals, the order which includes rats and mice, hares and rabbits, the squirrels, porcupines, beavers, and a number of other mostly small forms. Rodeo, Spanish, literally a fair or market. In this country applied to the "wild west" show featuring exhibitions of riding, roping and steer-wrestling. Roderic (d. 711), the last of the Visigothic kings on the throne of Spain. Having been entrusted by his sovereign, Witiza, with the and straw hats. A Roman aqueduct (restored) still brings water to the town. It has been the seat of a bishopric since the 4th century; p. 16,105. Rodgers, John (1771-1838), American Teeth of Rodent. I, Incisors; P, premolars; M, molars. naval officer, born in Hartford co., Md. After serving in the Mediterranean squadron in 1803 and 1804 he succeeded to the command of the squadron in 1805, and finally dictated