accident. .It was a fruitless task, for the Spaarne was broad, and by the faint light of the street lamps it was hardly possible to distinguish the outlines of the barges. But it turned out he was right; two days later they pulled him out and brought him home ; he had an expression on his face that he had never had during his life, as though at last he had found deliverance. Everyone thought it was an accident, but Gerbrand could not help thinking of something else. Their faithful Jansje, too, had nodded her head and said : € Yes, it must have been an accident/ as though she didn't believe it. But of the children none of the others had ever had a doubt; indeed, the three youngest had no con- ception of such disasters. Why it should have been anything else than an accident caused by the dark- ness it was impossible to say, for, as far as was known, his father had had no reason for making away with himself. He owned three houses besides the shop ; moreover, he had a trifle invested, and his business was in a satisfactory state. When he had succeeded to the shop the receipts had not been a sixth of what they were when he passed it on. He never had to worry about money. And yet Gerbrand was convinced that there had been something that consumed him, but that had remained a secret, and no one save God alone knew anything about it. O Lord, he prayed in his heart, have mercy on him.