75 children. Perhaps he had not learnt to lie from her, but it was Fientje Wouters whom he had first seen stealing, and she was cunning too, though you would never have guessed it when she looked at you with her limpid blue eyes. It was a long time since he had associated with the Wouters children, but he knew that Steven was the only honest one. And their mother would smile at them, full of pride and trust. * You'll find wrong-doing in every house,' said Jansje, c and there are more things hidden away than you'd believe.' Mrs. Thijs, on the other corner of Gortestraat, would never have to borrow, for they had one of the busiest druggist's shops in the district, if it weren't for Thijs spending so much money in the ale-house. ' But, it's her own fault,' said Stien, and Floris didn't understand that. As for old Mrs. Sanne, they said that she was always ready to help anyone, but you had to beware of her tongue. It was she who started all the scandals, everyone was very careful with her. At Warner's, the baker, there was always a row going on in the room behind the shop ; some said it was he who was quarrelsome, others said it was his wife, but his children were always fighting with one another too. Briemen, the pork-butcher opposite, was a violent man, his wife often ran screaming into the street and the children were heard howling ; one of these fine days there'd be an accident there with a knife.