82 shoulder and said : * You mustn't speak of that. Your father has appeared before the highest judge, and whatever wrong he may have done from our human point of view he has long since atoned for. It is your duty, as his son, to think of him with respect. But we will pass judgment on what you have done. I'm glad you've confessed your trans- gressions, that signifies that you understand the difference between right and wrong, and that you have the will to improve. Previously, when you weren't sorry, you hadn't understood that, but now your conscience has awakened. Give me your hand and promise me solemnly that from now on you'll be a good boy. But right is right, and wrong-doing brings punishment. Because of the money you've taken, others have had to go short. You'll go with- out pocket-money for three months, and when the Fair comes—no money for that.' He said : * Thank you, Uncle,' and went to bed. A deep sigh rose from his breast as he listened to the sound of scrubbing in the passage below. The others noticed that Werendonk asked about him in a friendly tone of voice if he hadn't arrived home, and looked at him with a smile when they were sitting at meals; also that Floris was more diligent with his homework, and answered cheerfully when he was spoken to. He was always punctual, he waited patiently if Frans wanted him to go out, and walked slowly beside him.