c I could have told you that in advance/ she said, * that man has no heart.3 He was speaking, he could barely hear his own voice. The Damiaatjes ceased, the big clock struck the half-hour. He had told her everything he did on that night, although he had not wanted to ; his head fell on his arm across the table. Then he felt her hand on his shoulder and he heard : 6 Poor lad/ on a note that sounded like a sob. She stood thus beside him for a long time in the dark. c You can always come to me/ she said at last,* if you feel you want to unburden yourself. And don't forget, no one need do wrong if he doesn't want to. As long as you don't want to, God will help you. And you can always rely on your Uncle Gerbrand, he is an upright man.' At the door she repeated : c You can always come to me, if you've too much on your mind, 1*11 keep it to myself; after all, I'm old enough to be your grandmother/ And he said : * Thank you, Jansje.' He didn't meet his friends again until the school term began. He visited Kolk and they laughed at Blusser's saucy jokes. One evening Uncle Frans looked up in amazement because he had not said " amen " at the end of grace* And once, when he was standing talking to Stien on the stairs, he said : c Damned nonsense, there is no God, that's nothing but lies for stupid people/ He grew noisy about the