212 what had to be said. She asked him to come and call for her on the following evening. And then, walking in the dark beside the low bushes, his arm linked in hers, he told her about things that frightened her because she could hear from his voice how bad they had been though she did not understand them. He didn't dare either to mention them by name, he merely said : * When you've done things like that, you've fallen low,' and perpetually he made the excuse that he had struggled against it, but the others had been too strong for him, and when he had done it once he did it the next time without thinking. Sometimes he fell silent as though he saw it all before him again, then he called himself a coward, who would have done better to stay away. That things had been very bad she grasped, and that was quite enough for her, she didn't need to know what and how. She asked no questions, she let him talk. And in the end he was addressing himself with questions and answers, accusing and defending, and they walked for so long that she was tired out. It was almost too late to go and see her parents, but she dared not stay away. And after that she had to hurry back. She arranged to meet him, and then went, but suddenly she turned back and threw her arms round his neck, whispering that everything would come right. Standing alone in