Foreword Students of ancient Indian history will welcome •r mother book from the pen of Prof. Phanindra Nath Bose—"The Hindu Colony of Siam". His previous works1 have already made accessible to us important events of Ancient Indian history, such as the Hindu colonisation of Champa and the introduction of Bud- dhism to China which we Indians should know. The present book deals with a new chapter of the history of Indian colonisation of the Far East. It is mostly the work of the French school of orientalists and Prof. Bose's sound knowledge of the French lan- guage has permitted him to utilise the works of the French scholars which we generally ignore. The systematic attempt which Prof. Bose is making since last few years to interpret the history of the cultural conquest of the Far East by India is a real service to our country and deserves praise. The history of the Indian colonisation of Indo-China and the Malay penin- sula forms a glorious chapter of the history of India. This colonisation was a gradual cultural conquest by peaceful methods and was not a colonisation in the modern sense of the term, which implies the political and economic exploitation of certain country by the 1 [a] Indian Teaehers o! Buddhist Universities, [b] Indian Teachers in China* [«] Indian crlony of Champa,