12 other work—Siam 250 years ago, A Description of the kingdom of Siam, is also ascribed to him. It was written in 1636, and a reprint was issued from Bangkok in 1889. He was succeeded by JEREMIAS VAN VLIET, who was in charge of the Dutch East India Company's interests in Siam from 1629 to 1634. He wrote an interesting account of Siam named Beschryving yan het Koningryk Siam which "is an account of the origin, the pjlitical government, the distinctive charac- teristics, the religion, the manner of living of the nobles and common people, the commerce and other remarkable things concerning the kingdom of Siam." It was published from Leyden in 1692, and was trans- lated into English in the pages of the Journal of the Siam Society (1910) by L. F. Van Ravenswaay. In 1638 Frederick, Duke ol Holstein sent John Albert de Mandelslo to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the king of Persia. He also travelled largely through the East Indes. His accounts are found in The Voyages and Travels of Mr. John Albert de Mandelslo, (a gentleman belonging to the former Embassy) into the East Indies, in the years 1638, 1639 and 1640. Containing a particular description of the Empire of the Great Mogul% the kingdom of Deccan etc. In 1647 another Dutch traveller went to the East Indies and wrote A New Voyage to the East-