ID In recent times an interest has arisen among the French scholars to reconstruct the history of Siam. We find an eminent scholar AUGUSTE J. PAVIE making an extensive excursion in the kingdoms of Siam and Camboja. He embodied the results of his investigations in Excursions dans le Cambodge et le royaume de Siam. ( Excursions et Reconnaissances ^ no. 9. 1881). In 1894, this Mission Pavic carried on further researches and investigations in Indo-China. We find the result of the work of the mission published in Memoires et Documents publies par les membres de Id mission sous la direction de MM._Pavie et Pierre Lefevre Pontalis. The first part contains the trans- cription and translation of the inscriptions of Siam. The first comprehensive book on Siam was writ- ten by a French scholar named LUCIEN FOURNEREAU, who brought out his book Le Siam Ancien in two big volumes in 1895. The book was included in Annals du Musei Guimet Series. It deals mainly with the archaeology, epigraphy and geography of Siam. Here ior the first time all the inscriptions relating to Siam, which were collected up to that time, were all brought together with their french translation. Though the translation of some of the inscriptions has been im- proved by later scholars, yet the book is still valuable for our purpose for the important old maps of Siam, which it contains.