The work of the Mission Fame was continued still farther. In 1898 the mission published ( Recher- ches sur hi literature dit Combodge^ du Laws ei die Siam,) It was followed in the same year by another work called Recherches sur Vhisioire du Cambodge^ du Laos et du Siam. In 1900 Prince Vividh Wasna Preeja wrote about Siam in the Journal of the Mahabodhi Society ( March, 1900). The interest of the local scholars was awakened and found expression in the formation of the Siatn Society at Bangkok in 1904. The Society is intended "for the investigation and encouragement of Arts, Science and Literature in relation to Siam and neigh- bouring countries." The papers read before the Society are published in the Journal of the Siam Society. Many important papers by Dr. O. Frank- furter and other scholars hare appeared in this journal. The Siamese Government also have brought out many important books in Siamese relating to the history, religion and arcbseology of the country. They have also published various Siamese Annals. These Siamese books, however, are sealed books to those scholars who are not acquainted with the Siamese language.