TO It is to be noted that the history of Indian csloni- sation of Siam does not go so far back as that of Champa in the early days of the Christian Era. The coming of the Indian influence is very late in Siam. It is only in the thirteenth century A. D. that we find an Indian colony growing up in Siam. It may appear as an anomaly to many that while the Indian culture went over to Champa and Camboja so early, It is so late in penetrating into Siam, It may be explained as due to Siam being part and parcel of the mighty empire of Carnboja. It must, however, be said to the credit of Siam, that she preserves Indian culture and civilisation even to the present day. She still conti- nues to be ruled by a dynasty, which claims to be Indian. Her religion, her Sangha, her numerous beautiful monasteries still speak of the message of Lord Buddha, which went forth from the mainland of India. What is the origin of the kingdom of Siam ? We find a tradition, preserved in Siam, which points to an exiled Chinese prince as the first king of Siam. We have that tradition in the Description of the kingdom of Siam by Jeremias van Vliet. We read: " More than two thousand years ago the country of Siarn was an uninhabited wilderness. In a few places there lived some hermits and heathens and as we have heard from some reliable persons, there was in China, at that time an Emperor's son who attempted his father's life and to take the imperial crown, in which attempt,