2O however, he did not succeed. The Emperor......... after many supplications was persuaded not to take the life of his son and his followers, provided that they all should leave China and that they should wander as outlaws and never return again. "These exiles tried to populate uninhabited countries and to extend their power. They travelled first through the land of Chiampa, after that Cambodia, from where they sailed with their boats to the Gulf of Siam. They first landed at the cape now called Cuy, settled down there and built a town, and to show their thankfulness to the gods erected a fine temple and many pyramids. .........At last the place Judia was found where at that time there stood only a small temple (which is still existing) and where seven hermits were living, who resembled each other exact- ly, and were all children of parents who had also the same appearance."1 We can accept this tradition of a Chinese Prince establishing the kingdom of Siam, because it was from China that the first wave of civilisation came to Siam. After the Chinese wave, there catne the wave of Indian colonists. Though, Siam in the early times was included in the kingdom of Camboja, yet she was receiving batches of Indian colonists on her soil from time to time, A Tamil inscription, which has been 1. Journal of the Siam Society, Vol. VII (1910) parti, pp. 6-7.