32 (i) Notes critiques pour servir a 1'histoire du Siam1 (2 ) Documents sur la dynastic de Sukhodaya par G. Coedes2 (3) Le Siam Ancien par Fournereau3 (4) The oldest known writing in Siamese by C. B. Bradley.4 I—SRI INDRADITYA. The Siamese chronicles give a confused account of the beginning of the history of Siam. Like the annals of other countries, they are also full of mythical accounts. Leaving aside all the myths and stories, we shall have to glean together the historical facts. From the vast sea of legends and traditions, we can just see the gleam of history in the first historic king of Siam. This first historical king was Srt IndrUditya, who has been identified with Sri Snrya Phrah Maha Dharmarajadhiraja of the Siamese Annals.1 He came to the throne in M. S. 1240= A. D. 1218. His capital was SAJANALAYA SUKHODAYA. Thus he was the founder of this royal dynasty of Sukhodaya, which lasted from M. S. 1240 to M. S. 1398 = A. D. 1218 to 1376. We are fortunate in having an important inscription of Sukhodaya (now preserved at Bangkok) 1. B. E. F. E-0, XVI, 3. 1916. 2. Ibid, 1917. 3. Vol. I, p. 225. 4. Journal of the Siam Society, 1909 (VI, I).