42 The inscription of this great king is dated 1214 of the era, which has been identified with the Great Era, Maha Sakkarat beginning in A. D. 79. So the date corresponds to A. D. 1293. IV—HRDAYA JAYA JETTHA (1354 A, D,) After the death of Ram Khamhen, Hrdaya Jaya Jettha came to the throne of Sukhodaya. We cannot say with certainty how he was related with his pre- decessor, perhaps, he was his son or brother. From the Siamese record Vajirananarai, we know that he had a son named Sri Dharmaraja, who was made Phrah Maha Upardja (the great Viceroy) at Sri Sajanalaya. In M. S. 1269, the king became dangerously ill and died. The Prince came with an army, defeated the enemies and ascended the throne of his dead father at Sukhodaya in M. S. 1276 = A, D. J355- The Brahmacs and mantrins consecrated him and he was named Phrah Bat Somdet Phrah Cdo Kamraten an Sri Suryavamia Rama maha Dhar- mikarQjadhiraja. V—SRI SURYAVAMSA RAMA (A.D. 1355) This new king, who came to the throne in A* D. J355» was known as Hrdaya Raja = Sri Dharma Raja = Sri Dharmikarajadhhaja = Sri Tribhava Dharaiji Surijati maha Dharmikarajadhiraja.