CHAPTER V. The Kingdom of Ayuthia. The glory of the old kingdom of Sukhodaya was soon eclipsed by the new kingdom of Ayuthia, which had been established in A. D. 1350. The influence and power of Sukhodaya continued some time after A. D. 1361, when Ayuthia became the centre of Siam, both from the cultural as well as from the political point of view. A new royal dynasty was established in Ayuthia. It continued to exert its supremacy over Siam until the political centre was transferred to the city of Bangkok. We are fortunate in getting a Pali record of the kingdom of Ayuthia (AyodhyU}. It is the oldest re- cension, according to M. George Coedes, of the Annals of Ayuthia.1 It was written in 1680 at the request cf Phra: Narai. In 1907 the Ms. of the Annals was found out and published by the Siamese Prince Damrong from Bangkok, in the same year. The Ms. has now been preserved in the VajiraSa^a Library. This Pali history of Ayuthia has been translated into English by Dr. Frankfurter in the pages of the Journal of the Siam Society under the title—Events in Ayuddhya from Chola-Sakaraj 686-966? This Pali history has been described as a Sangkheb = Sankhepa = Sahkshepa 1. B. E. F. E-0,1914. 2. J. S. a, VI, 3,1909.