6o From tlie names given above we know that even at this time, some names of the Siamese royal officers had been Indianised. Thus we get the names Raja- mai\a-sai meaning jRajdmdiya — Toyal minister. Also we have Rnjamantrt meaning royal minister. It should, however, be remembered that officers known as cvnatya were differentiated from the mantrins. The lar;e number of the names of monks also shows the popularity of Buddhism in Siam, There was a proper organisation of the Buddhist church with Sahgf7M*qf\i as its head. The whole of the Pali lite* rature used to be studied by the monks. Those insnks who could finish the whole of the three Pitakas, took the title of Traipitaka. During the ceremony of retiring to the forest, the following monks were present: ( I ) Sumarigala mabathera, (2) Khema-mangala mahathera, (3) Dharmaghosa mahathera, (4) Na^a-gambhira maha- thera, (5) Samana-deba mahathera, (6) Buddha- vamsa mahathera, ( 7) Suriya mahathera, (8) RamarasI mahathera, (g) Dharmasenapati mahathera, (10) Phra: Mdhika mahathera, (11 ) Subanna-syama mahathera, (12) Xaaa-vid mahathera, (13) Ananda mahathera, (14) Arggafifi^a mahathera and (15) Dharmakitti thera. In 768 Saka raja year («=A. D. 1406) after the ceremony of petitions offered to the king Mah5 Dharmaiajadhiraja in the Vihar-sima at the time of the itposath festival, the monks conferred the supreme