f I authority of the Sahgha to Phra: parama guru Tiloka-tilaka-siratana -silagandhd- vandvasl-dkar- makitti-sahgkaraja-mahasvami-chao. It will be seen how a long high-sounding title was given to the head of the Buddhist Church in Siam. As before he had the titles of Sahgha rajz and mahasvami. But a signifi- cant title has now been added, namely, Parama guru (the great spiritual preceptor), It may be due to the influence of Tantrikism, in which guru plays an im- portant role. After the death of this Parama gurut the monks with the adyice of the king Dharmarajadhirfija and the queen mother and monks in general, gave the supreme authority to the monk Phra: ratana- tnahgala-vilasa mahathera. At the death of this monk, they made another bhik$u their chief. The name of this bkt&su is not given in the inscription.1 IV—SUVANNACANDA (1388 A. D.) After the death of the king Paramarajadhiraja, his young son Suvannacanda came to the throne. He is known in the Siamese Text as Thong Lan and Thong Chan in the Mongkut Text. Unfortunately, he reigned only for 7 days, after which Ramessura usurped the royal power again and reigned for six years (A. D. 1388-1394). 1. Le Siam Ancien, I, p. 209.