on them are two cakras, each contaicing six circles. Inside those circles are distributed 108 signs thus :— ist circle ... ... 32 signs 2nd „ ... ... 24 „ 3rd „ ... ... 16 „ 4th „ ... ... 16 „ 5th „ ... ... 12 „ 6th „ ... ... 8 „ TOTAL ... 108 signs. According to M. A. Earth, these signs are a sort of symbolic resume of the past, present and future universe, figured on the feet of Buddha to mark his universal royalty. Below the padas are represented a large number of theras (monks) forming a procession. These theras are standing with their hands folded and heads inclined as if paying homage to the BuddhapUda. It is happy to note that the n^nies of these disciples of Buddha are given there in Pali. We are grateful to R, P. Schtnit for transcribing the names of the dis- ciples, which are given below :— 1. Phra : Labbha thera 2. „ Labunhabhabammahinda thera 3. „ Ehi vSri paraveka thera 4- » Vajjita thera 5. „ Hemmaka thera 6. „ Athabbanaveda thera 7. „ Puqnaka thera