6R 66. Phra : Pandoravaku devaya thera 67................... 68. Phra: MettagQ......... 69. „ TLnpa sona andhaka pura thera 70. ,j Vammala thera 71. „ Sona bho vassa thera 72. „ Subahu thera 73. „ Pugna labbha thera 74. „ Gambhira thera 75- « Vanria Koiadanna thera 76. „ Nanda Savaka thera 77. „ Sariputta thera 78. „ Pupnalabbhana puta thera 79. „ Anuradha thera 80. „ Maha moggalana thera.1 31. A. Earth thinks that this list of eighty theras was probably that of eighty disciples of Buddha and that they were mostly contemporary of Buddha. No- where, however, a complete list of Buddha's disciples is to be found. Many names of this list are familiar to us, but some are quite strange. From this Pali inscription of the Buddhapada of Sukhodaya that on the year 1970 after the parinibbana of the master SrI-Sakyamuni Gotama, when Sri Sumedhamkara was sangha-raja^ the son of the sup- reme king of the law (mahadhammadhiraja-raja\ who by his prosperity, his knowledge, his high quali- 1. Le Siam Ancien, pp. 245-247.