74 king, who also gave two white elephants richly adorn- ed. This Burmese invasion in Siam lasted for five months.1 Though the king, Vara-Dhiraraja reigned for sixteen years, yet the loss of the white elephants troubled him much and he abdicated the throne in favour of his son in order to enter the orders. XVI—MAHAMAHINDA In the Burmese history, the date of the first Burmese invasion of Siam is given as 1548, where as in the Pali chronicle of Siam, it is 1563. The second Burmese invasion is dated 1563. In 1563 the king of Pagu, heard that the Siamese king had acquired a few new white elephants. As the possession of the white elephant was thought to be the distinctive mark of a Buddhist king, the king of Pagu demanded one of the white elephants. To this demand, the king of Siam gave an evasive reply. The king of Pegu, therefore, sent a large army to punish the king of Siam, The Burmese army invest- ed the city of Ayuthia. After a long war, the king of Siam had to surrender. The king, his queen and his younger son were taken away as captives, and the Crown Prince Bra Mahein ( Bramahin ) was proclaim- ed and installed as king of Siam.2 ( A. D. 1564). 1. Burmese Invasions oi Siam—Journal of the Siam So- ciety V, 1908, I, pp. 1-12. 2. Ibid, pp. 21-29.