76 uparUja, the son of the king of Pegu by making a treaty with his younger brother ( anujadhiraja,). He came out victorious and crowned himself king at Ayuthia. In 1591, he fought against the king of Camboja, attacked his capital and defeated him. XIX—RAMESSARA (A. D. 1605) In 1605, the younger brother of Narissaraja, named Raraessara (EkUdasaratha\ having the title amtfadhit aja^ became king. He reigned only for seven years ( five years ?). XX—IXDARAJA (A. D. 1610) The king Ramessara was succeeded by his son Indaraja in A. D. 1610. He reigned for nineteen years. During the reigns of all these kings, the assembly of bhiksus, versed in Dhamma and Vinaya did not meet in Council to preach the religion of Lord Buddha. The dynasty continued to rule at Ayuthia for a long time. After Indarfija, we have the following kings:— 1. Jetthalaja (Chao Song Tham)—8 months 2. Adiccavaipsa (1628 A, D.)—i month and eight days