S7 VI—VAJIRAVUDH (1911—1926 A. a) The king Chulalongkorn was followed by his son Vajiravudhin 1911. He was born on January i, i83i, He was also an enlightened Prince and followed the foot- steps of his illustrious father and grandfather. He was in close friendship with the European powers, specially with France and Britain. In 19:4 A. a lie assumed the title of Rama VI. In 1925, he came over to India on an extensive tour visiting the holy places of India. No other king ofSiam, perhaps, came to India. Being the sixth sovereign of the present ruling dynasty he had his training at Oxford, forswore polvgamy and abolished the harem maintained by his predecessor. On the death of the king Rama VI on November 26, 1926, he was succeded by his younger brother Prince Prajadhipok.