Next to the Siamese King in civil rank is the khatnaheset (-Aggamahist) or the principal queen and the royal princes. Other high officers are :— (1) Chan Phraya Ra Montree (-Rafamanirin} or the minister, (2) Sri Krailat (=Sri Kelasa] or Police Super- intendent, (3) Sooreewong (-Surijavamsa) or priemier (?) (4) J£o$a-oSicer of the royal treasury (?) (5) Amat (=Amatya) or minister, (6) Chittachamana watt Aggamhasena or the Controller of pages, (7) Yommaraat (-Yama raja) or the chief criminal Judge, (8) Sootec Wang Montree (^Suryavamsaman- tren] or the minister of shipping and foreigners(P)1 In an inscription of Dansai, we find the names of some of the officers of the Siamese King. They are:— (1) Maha Up&r&t Cao or the Viceroy, (2) Prana MahUsenUpati or the Commander- in* Chief, (3) Sri Rajakosadhipati or the royal treasurer. The king's daily routine of life reminds us of the pictures given by Kautilya or Manu. The Siamese king gets up early in the morning, dresses, prays and offers food to priests, After taking his meal, he 1. Ibid.