close to the bamboo with a bag of coins, and one of the springers, leaning far out and watching his opportunity, makes a grab with the mouth and secures the bag in his teeth. Custom has decreed that to complete the ceremony the swinging must take place three times and to that end three small money bags are provided by the Royal Treasury, the first containing twelve ticals, the second ten, and the third eight. This brings the ceremony to an end, and Phra Isuen is al- lowed to place his raised foot on the ground once more *and after receiving the prayers of the Brahmans to depart with his satellites in the procession the way he came. The ceremony is repeated on the next day but one, with the same observance, and is then over for the vear. ANDOLAKA—MAHOSAVA The Great "Swing" Festival. The great "Swing" Festival is so called as sw- inging was done by Siva and Uma for their pleasure. In the garden of" Nandan '' somebody in an emb- race of his wife having thick breasts sat on a swing made of the " Modhavi" creeper climibng on the trees "Santana" and "Parijata" and was moving it to and fro during spring in the combined effect of " Ardra " For this part of the ceremony see Hastings : En, of E?li- gion & Ethics V : p. 880.