162 APPENDIX-II. THE CORONATION OF THE KING OF SIAM After the death of His Majesty the King Rama VI of Siatn on November 26, 1925. his younger brother ascended the throne under the title of His Majesty the King Prajadhipok. The coronation of the new King took place on February 26, 1926, when there were magnificient ceremonies, partly Hindu and partly Buddhist in character. Here again we find the important part played by the Brahmin priests, who still retain their position of honour in the royal court. Following is the pen-picture of gorgeous scenes connected with the coronation of the new King of Siam. It is from an eye-witness from Bangkok under date February 26, 1926 :— "Yesterday there was written, and turned over, another page in the history of Siam. His Majesty King Prajadhipok, King of Siam, was crowned with tradi- tional ceremonial, in the presence of the Princes of the country and the representatives of foreign Govern- ments, Impressive throughout and laden with old- time tradition, the ceremony of the actual Coronation will remain imbedded in the memory of those who were privileged to witnessit, To those of Siamese blood there was felt the full significance of the his- torical occasion ; to others there was presented a ceremony laden with Eastern ritual, so deeply and spiritually impressive that the emotions were swayed