165 this kingdom, as well as her Buddhist Religion and her people. "May he remain long in sovereignty, without ills, accomplishing success, and may his years number a hundred. "May the Sovereign Guardian of the East, renowned as Dhataratha, gently protect the King and his realms. Whoever create evil in this eastern quarter, may the Sovereign, through his might, triumph over them all in a righteous manner." "The Pundit then handed a cup of anointed water from the Eastern Circle (Prachin) while reciting the following stanza;— " Through the power of the Triple Gems (the Buddha, the the Lore, the Brotherhood), and through this water poured down upon him, may the King be awarded with success in the way heretofore invoked." * The King then answered in Pali versein the fol- lowing poetic terms:— ** Your auspicious speech, going right to the hearts of kings, I fain accept. May it come to pass as you have said. I shall extend my protection and exercise Royal authority over all those realms to the East and all beings that dwell therein. I shall remain on earth, further protecting this kingdom, and her Buddhist religion and her people.'' The Pundit then said:— * Good my Lord.5'