€€ RULE OF POOR KNIGHTHOOD OF TEMPLE " 6j the infirmities of the weak and the rod to correct the faults of delinquents with the zeal of rectitude—must strive, with the advice of the Patriarch and with spiritual weapons, to act in such a manner that, as blessed Maximus says, too much lenity does not encourage the sinner nor too great severity harden him in his sin ". The brethren are to sleep clothed with shirts and breeches at all times, and must never be without light during the night. The Master is to decide what bed and bedclothes are to be allowed, but the authors of the Rule consider that a mattress, a blanket, and a linen sheet are adequate. If a brother has no mattress, he should sleep on a carpet. Disputes of all kinds are to be shunned as the plague, and every brother is to strive " to avoid provoking another to wrath, for the heavenly mercy of God requires the strong as well as the weak to live together in holy brotherhood ". A special warning is given against slander. " Let every one of you carefully guard himself that he do not secretly slander his brother or accuse him, but let him consider the words of the Apostle, c Be not thou an accuser or a whisperer among the people', If, however, he shall know with certainty that his brother has offended, let him be rebuked with peace and affection according to the commandment of the Lord. If he will not listen, he (the erring brother) should be taken to another brother. If he ignores both, let him publicly be reproved before all in the assembly. For they are indeed blind who cannot refrain from spitefulness, by which the devil subtly ensnares them." The last paragraph is a caution against the influence of women. u We believe it dangerous to all religion to look too much on the face of women, and therefore no brother is to presume to kiss widow or virgin, mother or sister, or aunt or any other women. Let the knights of Christ shun feminine kisses, so that with a pure conscience and holy life they may walk for ever in the sight of God."