THE FALL OF THE HOLY CITY people whom Saladin had not called in to his aid by prayer, or pay, or right of dominion, and all in the hope of utterly sweeping the race of Christians from the face of the earth. But in vainj for, thanks to God, he was not strong enough to achieve his wish. And the best flower of all the youth of Christendom—a soldiery tried in war—had flowed thither and, like the finest grain shaken from the ears, was united there from the furthest ends of the earth. If anyone had broken and exterminated this host without a doubt there would have been no one left in the world able to offer resistance." (Itinerary, Archer's translation.) After this success, Richard marched to Jaffa, which the Moslems had evacuated leaving the fortifications in ruin. Not until December did the Crusading army leave the port to advance on Jerusalem. The tidings that an attempt was to be made to regain the Holy City aroused tremendous enthusiasm, and men flocked from everywhere to serve under Richard in so glorious a venture. The heavy rains made the advance very slow, but the Crusaders struggled on as far as Beit Nuba. There, however, the order was given to retreat. Richard had been anxious to press forward, but the Templars and the Hospitallers and most of the great nobles opposed him. Even if the Christians took Jerusalem—and that seemed highly improbable—how could it be defended, since the Crusaders would return to Europe as soon as they had fulfilled their vow and seen the holy places? The military Orders and the lords were more anxious to recapture their possessions elsewhere than to see Jerusalem recovered, and Richard was advised first to break Saladin's hold in other parts of the country before seeking to win the Holy City. The English king reluctantly agreed to retreat to Ascalon, which was reached at the beginning of 1192 after a terrible, journey. Here again the Moslems had destroyed the walls, and the Christians spent the rest of the winter in restoration. Quarrels had been almost constant and they reached their