THE ARREST OF THE TEMPLARS IN FRANCE 237 not require lands and houses in France and other Christian countries for that purpose. He would give the brethren an income to carry on the struggle against Islam, and would turn the preceptories and commanderies of the Orders into schools where children, especially the children of men who had lost their lives in fighting the Moslems, would be instructed in the arts or in trades. Philip the Fair agreed that the possessions of the Temple should be seized, but he meant to use them for purposes other than educational ones. He was always in want of money. When he mounted the throne, he found France almost bankrupt and his expensive wars with England and Flanders had further weakened the finances of the kingdom. His first collision with the Holy See had been over the question of money, but the right to tax the Church was not enough. He took the gold and silver vessels of his barons at a fraction of their value and melted them in his mint. He robbed the Lombards $ he seized all the Jews in the kingdom, forced them to give nearly the whole of their fortunes to save their lives, then expelled them, their business being transferred, for a consideration, to Italian bankers who were deep in Philip's confidence 5 and he imposed levies on trade and property which had previously been unknown. His principal means of raising funds, however, was to debase the currency, and he did it so often that in ten years the franc had depreciated to less than half of its value—Pope Boniface had complained bitterly against the practice, calling on Philip " no longer to blind himself to the iniquity " of such actions. In June, 1306, Paris had risen against the king who debased the currency so often and so heavily, and to escape the fury of the mob Philip had been compelled to take refuge behind the strong walls of the Temple in Paris for three days. The king wanted territory as well as money. He had robbed many of his nobles of their land, but the estates of the barons had been considerably reduced long before he was