304 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS explained the powers conferred on them and warned the brethren that this might be their last chance to put forward a defence. After much discussion, a number of the Templars agreed on two priests and two knights of the Order to repre- sent them. The knights, William de Chambonnet and Bertrand de Sartiges, took a very minor part in the proceed- ings, but the priests, Peter de Boulogne, last Preceptor of the Temple at Rome, and Reynald de Pruino, Preceptor of Orleans, were remarkable men. Both had confessed to some of the charges in examination by the Inquisition, but had since retracted. They conducted the defence of the Temple before the commission with tenacity, ingenuity and consider- able eloquence. Peter de Boulogne especially is a highly interesting character. He appeared before the court on April 7th and, acting as spokesman for the other representa- tives, entered a vigorous protest against the whole process. That the Templars had consented to plead must not, he said, be taken to imply that they acknowledged the jurisdiction of the commission or waived their undoubted right to appeal to the Pope and a general council of the Church. If he and the other brethren were brought before Clement, they could easily show the falsity of the charges, by oral testimony and by unimpeachable documentary proof. But before such a trial, the Templars ought in equity to be given their liberty and permitted to use the possessions of the Temple so that their case could be adequately prepared. " Each and all of us declare the accusations to be utterly unfounded ", went on de Boulogne. " It is unbelievable that such scandalous charges should be taken seriously by anyone. It is true that some Templars have admitted them, but only because of torture and suffering." De Boulogne offered to prove the use of torture and referred to the fact that thirty-six Templars had died in the prisons of Paris alone* Every law had been violated, and the Templars had been treated worse than convicted criminals. Forged letters had been