, ^ TV ; isi\ . and Dravton's Unes must beheld
Chy aad Hanway (see ^^ ^d Id ' mat Wolfe writes from Paris to
simply to refer to a protects from sun and ^ W
H ^
his moiier in 1752 bears out exactly wlmt > I «jrf ^ ^ frQm ^
quoted fro- toy to Hurd, "»«y top os of

aliouia "- to
ngham's Hand-Boole of London, 197.
at this letter was printed before, but the

authority from which it is here taken is Prior, i. 268, 273. The passage in it about
the starving of Butler and Otway, coupled with the remark, written at the same date
- ., ,._._,. .IM^ «e *i,n PrJ.itf. Learning as to its sufficing for one a,ge to have

(Tie struck Savage and Amhurst out
again introduced them in the 8th
Dryden's affecting remark in Ms
to have neglected Mr. Cowley and

id. mr. Butler."
1. In support of my statement about Mr. Griffiths, see Monthly Review,
ii 431 March 1750. For other evidences of the man's taste in such matters, see the
Monthly Review, v. 43, 70, June 1751; and, at the close of volume vii, the list of
books " published by B. Griffiths." The book to wMch I allude is that which was
written by the son of a Colonel Cleland, who is generally supposed to have been Pope's
Cleland, but is more likely to have been Ms brother or cousin. Pope's friend is
described always as Major Cleland. A letter from Ms infamous descendant or kins-
man is printed in the GarricJc Correspondence, i. 56-59.

P. 185. In giving the reference for the review of Murphy's Orphan of China as the
Critical Review, vii. 434-440, May 1759, I might have added that the remarks
in it both as to Shakspeare and Voltaire are better than usual. On the next
page I have omitted the reference for the notice of Forney's Miscellanies (Critical
vii. 486, June 1759; in which, by the way, occurs an expression repeated
both in Ms letters and Ms novel, where he laughs at professors in college with "their
" whole lives passed away between the fireside and the easy chair") ; and also the
reference for the paper on YanEgmont's Travels in the Critical Review, vii. 504-1312,
June 1759. On the page following, in second note, " 98 " ought to have been " 80."
P. 190. The doubt I have here expressed whether the articles unacknowledged by
Goldsmith during Ms life, but reprinted as Ms on the authority of Percy and Thomas
Wright (in Isaac Reed's 1798 edition of the Essays, &c,), have in every case been cor-
rectly attributed to Mm, is borne out by the opinion of my friend Mr. Cunningham,
founded on subsequent and closer examination; and the third volume of his edition of
the Worlcs, now passing through the press, wMle it will contain all those unacknow-
ledged Essays, will yet most properly print them as such, in a type distinct from the
. . ,