" West," some six miles from Pallasmore, and about midway 1780.
between the towns of BaUymahon and Atiilone.* The first- .iTa
born, Margaret (22nd August, 1710), appears to have died in
childhood; and the family, at this time consisting of
Catherine (13th January, 1,721), Henry (l)tli February, 17—f),
Jane (9th February, 17—), and Oliver, bom at Pallasmore,
was in the next ten years increased by Maurice (7th July,

1730), Charles (10th August, 17«7), and John (23rd------,
1740), born at Lissoy, The youngest, as the eldest, died in
youth; Charles went in his twentieth year, a friendless
adventurer, to Jamaica, and after long self-exile died, little
less than half a century since, \ in a poor lodging in
Somers' Town; Maurice was put to the trade of a cabinet-
maker, kept a meagre shop in (Xharlostow,i\ in the county of
Eoscommon, and " departed from a miserable life " in 171)2 ;
Henry followed his father's calling, and died us ho had lived,
a humble village preacher and Huhoulmastor, in 1708;
Catherine married a wealthy htwhand, Mr: Hndnon, a
poor one, Mr, Johnston, and both died in Athlono, sumo years
after the death of that celebrated brother to whoso life and
times these pages are devoted,

A trusted dependant in Charles Goldsmith's house, a
young woman related to the family, afterwards Imown as
Elizabeth Belap and schoolmistress of Lissoy, first put a

* Hero Charles Goldsmith wwrw to have jirnouml a, loiwe <>f almut 70 acroa at
an eight shillings rent, reiiowHblu fur avw *w tht» jinytwiit of Imlf «, ymrVi nmt for
ovory now life, tho first liviw Iming th<t*w of hiiuwlf, Ida ddwwt mm Unary, iwul
Jiin daughter Cnthorino 5 ft iirujwrly whinh tttmiUitint hi t!i« fiuuily UU unlil in
1802 by Honry dfolclmnith's wm, tliwt a w^tlor in Anit^rirn, /VMM*, 1, 10, 17.

t Tho luaf of tho family liil'ltt ia unfurtuunb'ly »n turn tliat tlto tirodiio year of
tho l)irtliH of Homy and Janes, likutlml «»f Olivwr1* t4rtli, i* nut, djsoeniible frtmi it;
hut it sooms to jno (juilo doawiva, frpiu Um furt »f itiu uttmc day njwoifled in both
ca,soH, oouiilod with tho tUwiinat nwuniiim) uf Mr*. Hi«l*»u tlntt Uiere vva« tt
ohildloHH intorviil (if HOVWI yoftw Itefum tliu liirUi »f Olitor, that Henry mid Jimu
wore twins, and both bom hi 1722. The rrtow/A «>f J»ltn"» birth fat also erwueil.

$ 1858,