1743. some traits of. that early time. They ww»llwU«U Mr.
*U5. Hughes's special kindness to him, and «thwk»»tf^'» »f
him, as matters not then to be accounted for,* Tlw gm»d
master, it appeared, had been Charles GoldHimlU'H frii'iitl.
They dwelt upon his ugliness and awkward w»um«-r»t; they
professed to recount even tho Htuelion ho liked or ciwhkrtl
(Ovid and Horace were welcome to him, he I«ite«i tVfrw,
Lwy was his delight, and Tadln* opened him ««>w »*«rwH
of pleasure) ;t they described his temper us iilti'tt-wuHitivi',
but added that though quick to take offenee, iiw wu* i«wv
feverishly ready to forgive. They also Haul, Unit though nt,
first diffident and backward in the extremis he jmtatoivtl
sufficient boldness in time to tttko even u It'rtiU-i'"** l»lwp
in the boyish sports, and purticulmiy at I'WH or bull-
playing.t "Whenever an exploit was proposed or « trivk
was going forward, "Nott Gold-smith" \VUH ccrt»ii» to l»» in
it; an actor or a victim.

Of his holidays, Ballymahon wits the aentml iittnit'titui;
and here too recollection was vivid and busy, tin »*«•« §»
his name grew famous. An old man who tlifwcrtiwl the
sports of the place, and kept tho ball-court in th««*« dnyi*»

* We are told, in a note to Mtu IfodHimV tiarrattvc, tl»tt fn.Hi Mr, II»tgIi»» Im
profited more than from either of tho other iiinMlt'rx, mi he wnttpr»«l wiiJi l»l»i »n «
footing very different from that of nwwtur awl »?hu!w% ** Tliiu ekmmmtmm^ t>*.
"Q-oldsmith always mentioned with rtwjioet tuul gra,tit«'h»," J'my
t Mr, Daly's remark, am quoted by Mr. I'rior (i, 84), in tbui ** l» h*«I
" once mastered the difficulties of Ttmtm, ho found j»ltm»mi in tiw |M>rtt«at) »n>l
"occasional translation of that writer." . It w !«»« dwy bi tmiiovtf

that it was in consequence of a reproof from bin elder brother liw l«» f«ij
attention to style in writing. Having sent Henry uomo ishort wwl
from school, he received for reply, wo are tolcl, a curt juece »,,f ndvioK,
afterwards turned to acoount, that "if he hwl but little to my,
" to say it well."

$ "He was remarkably active and athletic, of whfaU In j
"exercises among his playmates, and otni«o»tl.v in l«ai-jtiiiy«ng, „.„„„ ,w WWB,W,
"fond of; and practised wlionovor he o«ulcl."' P»oi<.r Htraui,' in
149, 150,