when at Leyden, by the accident of its sudden close
27. city. The desire too of extensive travel, his sister told Mr.
Handcook, had been always a kind of passion witl* lliwu
" Being of a philosophical turn," says his later associate
and friend, Doctor Glover, " and at that time posses sing ft
" body capable of sustaining every fatigue, and a heart not
" easily terrified at danger, this ingenious, unfortunate man
" became an enthusiast to the design he had fbraaaed °^
" seeing the manners of different countries."* A.»cl an
entlmsiast to the same design, with precisely the same ixietms
of indulging it, Holberg had also bean. " His ambition," 1
turn again to the Polite Learning, ef was not to be restrained*
" or his thirst of knowledge satisfied, until he had seen the
"world. Without'money, recommendations, or Mentis, he
" undertook to set out upon his travels, and make tlie tour
" of Europe on foot. A good voice, and a trifling sifcill in
" music, were the only finances he laad to support an tuador-
" taking so extensive; so he travelled by day, and at night
" sung at the doors of peasants' Incuses to get Mxaself a
" lodging. In this manner, while yet very young, I-Jolberg
" passed through France, Germany, and Holland." t "With
exactly the same resources, still also very young, Goldsmith
quitted Leyden, bent upon the travel which his jTra/ireller
has made immortal.

It was in February, 1755. For the exact route lie -took,
the nature of his adventures, and the course of though t they
suggested, it is necessary to resort for the most part to his
published writings. His letters of the time have perlslied,

* Malone's edition of the Poem (1777), p. iii. Axid «eo the Annual Re<yi«teT't xvtf,
29, 30.

"I- Inymvy into Palate Lecmdny, cliap. vi. ISTo reader of Goldsmith ooxtldL fmil to
bo struck by .'this parallel to his own adventures ; but Mr. Prior appears -to tltiuk
the discovery of the resemblance a piece of property of his own.