list obstinate notions of MB own, which it WUH not v««ry «wy t<»
vBt.20. dissipate by ordinary modes of jwwmwinji, OIK* of tlwiw,
Miss Milner told our informant* wn« a j>rt»|HiHti*r*m« t<»thimto
of his capacity to do astonishing thintfK, whirit nobody t<Iw
could attempt, in the eating and drinking way. "flu* wh»»h*
kitchen laughed at him ; but of t'ounu' refund tu nw|»l bin
challenge for a trial at HOIUU uuwunoiw draught, t»r fttnt unlit
for a Christian. They enlktwl (iutilutuith nt Itwt» howi'vi-r.
who, having promised to adwiiiiwtcr eom,'cti«ni t« thw vi»rj
eccentric vanity, thiiH eoinmoucetl prt'pitnttioiw, lit; pri«*itrtnl
a pieca of tmctoloured (IhoHhire t-lu'cHP, rolled it tip in tltt» form
of a candle about un inch in length, timl, twwtiug » bit tif
whitu paper to thti uhti of a- wick, and blacking it** i»xtr*'t»iif?»
thruHt it into one of the endn of tiu« c'hets«i?» which 1»« Ua*ti
put into a candlestick over the .kitehtm firt'jiliuHS tttkiiiff run*
that in another, by the Bide of it, there shuttle! IM* |jia*'t'«I th«*
end of a real candle, iusizo tuul ttppettrnneti exiu'tly tiie« »wtw,
Everything thus ready, in caiuo WilUuiu, mul WIIH Htnii^ht'
way challenged by the usher to display whitt ho hud m» uftnji
boanted of, in a trial with hiniBi'lf, " You c»rtt yuntlrr |»irt**'
" of candle," said he, taking down the cht'iwt?, " mttl I will
" eat this," William asKuntad rutlter drily. ** I hnvo lit*
" objection to begin," continiu»d (InldHtnith, " but both nuwt
" finish at the aame time." Wiliiiun iwddetl, tcxtk hw
portion of candle, and, still reluctant, looked ruefully «it
with the other servants while Goldsmith bocraii irtmwiitir

C^ ffl • F5*
away at his supposed share, making terrible wry fiimt.
With no heart or stomach for a like uiigtivouiy im?iitt
his adversary beheld with amazement the
and not till Goldsmith had devoured all but tlie wry
last morsel, did he take sudden courage, open Mi mouth,
.and " fling his own piece clown ME throat in a moment."