*' thoyicse HH profeHHorn riHed with Bitch ceremony! " Ho, too, i?fi7,
and with more direct reason, wan it understood to refer to /Ki.uy
tho PeekhuM diwomfortH, when ho, talked of the poor u^her
obliged to Bleep in the Hamu bed with the French teacher,
" who disturbs him for an hour every night in papering and
" filleting his hair; and MtitikH worn* than a carrion with
u bin rancid pomatums, when he lays bin head heside him
" uit the holnter," Who will not think, moreover, of (leorge
PrimroHu and IJIH cH»tiHiii ? *' Ay," cried he, u this in indeed
" Ji very pretty tntroer that haw heen cltalkod out for yon, I
" have heen an unhor at a hoarding-school inywulf; and may
" 1 die by tin unodynts ntu;klaeej hut 1 had rather bo
" nnder-turnkt^y in Newgate. I waw np oarly and Itvtu : I
" WHH browbeat by the manter, liated for my ugly fae-o by th«
>k miKtreHH, worried by (he boyn." Finally, in the only
anecdote that rentnon other wife authority than Mins .Milner'n,
there IH quite Hullit'ieiit reanon in fact, for adoption of th«

HftUlU toUt!.
Mr, Hanrtiel JiiHlutp, whoMti HOUH have had diHtinction in
the chttrch, wiw u I't'ckhant tiehohtrj am! tlie wtury "w
told EM it WHH r«H*t'tivo«l from one of this HUJW,* " When
u liuiUBiug his yuungwr cojupaniuuH during play-hourH with
" tho flutts utul t'Xjiiitittttng on the pleasurim derivcnl from
" inuHio, in addltiiJii to ite lulvntitttguH in Kociety us a geitth-
" tuanlike actiuirenjenl, a ptsrt boy, looking at hm Htttiiition
" and |H'rMonnl itifindvHnta^t'H with HuiiH'thiufjj of iMintempt,
" ruddy n-plifd to the Hurt that he snrriy conliJ noteo$ist«trr
" himsi'lf a ||entlenmn ; an offence which, though followed
" by chastisement, diHconcerlt-d and pninrd him extremely."
That the pain of thin period of bin lift-, which even «t its
time of prt'HHiire we have M'en relievml l»y thu luvo of jent