of personal and political opposition to the subject of it, it 1757,
is manly and kind. The weak places were pointed out JBuk
with gentleness, while Goldsrnitll strongly sowed on what
he felt to be the strength of Smollett. " Tlio wtyle of this
" Historian," he said, " is in general clear, nervoun, and
" flowing; and we think it impossible for a Header of titnto
" not to be pleased with the perspicuity and elegance of
" his manner." *

For the critic's handling in lighter matters, 1 will mention
what he said of a book by Jonas Hanway, Tins wan the
Jonas of whom Doctor Johnson affirmed that ho acquired
some reputation by travelling abroad, but lost it all by
travelling at home: not a witticism, but a sober truth. lfi«
book about Persia was excellent, and his book about PortH-
mouth indifferent. But though an (H't'wilric, his wan n vt«ry
benevolent and earnest man j and though lu» ninth1 tlw rum-
mon mistake of thinking hiniHolf ovon more wiso than Jio
was good, he had too much reason to complain* whirh Iw
was always doing, of a general want of carwMlwHH uttti
seriousness in his age. His larger schemes of luwviiUwefl
have connected his name with the Marino Borbiy «iu! the
Magdalen, both of which he originated, as well »i with the
Foundling, which he was active in improving; nm! t« Inn
courage and perseverance in smaller fwltln of WHt*fnli»*nn (hm
determined contention with extravagant vails* to st-rviuttH *

t "When I wb to Hearth," mid Mr, Hole, "tlm »n»t,»«i *«f itUing t«ii»
"to Horvants was not dimjontinued, On Inking t«»w «f Uw< ;*ti«tf>r »t tl«*
"door I ufforod hiss servant a umall gralttity, hit thr* wi»n vrry jui-liiely
" rofuHoil ill, tolling mo it would lie tut iuu«l» ?w th«» \mn »»i" }«« j.!»«* if |,i» tiiimter
" knew it. Thin wan so nnewnmnn tuul »• Jilwml in « t«a» «»f II«tgart|t*« |stwfc)».
" Hion tit that thno of day, that it niui-h utrtifk HIP, MM nothinjf uf tlw kin<{ Iui4
" happened to JHO liafura." My u\tl Mm\ Allwi Uutminglmm, nft»r *|nnlin« UiU
in his Zi'/'w o/ /Ac Pnintm, I 17(1, *uUk ; '* N«r in it likely that utmtt» Utittg
" happen again. Sir Jwthua jHoyuoUlu Kftvc bin Nftrviuit £11 unnoKtiy of