1757, not the least), the men of Goldsmith's day were indebted for
jETib, liberty to use an umbrella. Gay's pleasant poem of 'Mviat
and Swift's description of a city shower, commemorate its
earlier use by poor women j by " tuck'd-up sempstresses "
and " walking maids ;"* but with oven this class it was a
winter privilege, and woe to the woman of a better sort, or
to the man, whether rich or poor, who dared at any time BO
to invade the rights of coachmen and chairmen. But Jonas
steadily underwent the attiring, laughing, jeering, hooting,
and bullying; and having punished BOIUO insolent knaves
who Btrudt him with thoir whips as wull an toiiguew, he
finally cHtablwluul a privilege which, whan tho Journal dca
gravely asKtmul itn readern that the Icing of tho
barac'adtJB (that king whoeo throne has nince been, burnt at
the top of fresh barricadou on the sito of the BantiHe) was to
be Been walking the streets of Paris with an umbrella under
his arm, had readied its culminating point mid played n part
in state affairs, Excellent Mr. Hamvay, having nettled tho

" dfllwl him i'100 a-ywr ft* tins th»n'/" I tltmlifc wht4ht<r Una latUtr atato-
jaunt rent*! on HIUM! authority j fur it w Uio th.ifiH of mi tithurwlMtt jilt»iiwtut Imuk
to tin iiuly Mt'imt anil gnulgiiig jiwlicu t*« UcytuiItlH, ami t*«* rwwlily tn !>olii)v«j
ii'l iwiinht him. Tlut tmijigniitliur timk wit'h t»(inu»t, jturt with
i that lut Imciuiits UHWIIHCNUUM h»w ttisfitirly lie wiw trniUug tiw^»ulil«.

* " Brltiiin in wi»tt?r tmly knitwn it« mil
11 To gtioi'ii IVniii I'hiHy Klmwiirfi tltu wftlkitig jiuud," (i»y*«
" Tho tuakM-»{t pwii]i«tn«!t wnlkt with himty
" While MtrminM run ilwwii licr «ifil tuiibtttilii'ii rfilw," Swift** if •% filuttivr,
Mr, RulUm (Ji»r»tiy, »h«H» thin hlitgrajihy J1r«t tt.jij»r*nr»«*l, htw jtro.
ilntunl noiufi line* a contury wrliwr in drtto, whltih might wctii t<* jtrmvw ttmt thu
olht" hiwl l«en in »»« hi Mislwul Drwytitn1* tiuw, «ivuti liy tin* high-Wit
of tho w,tirtii«tre» Hint tho umiti, "lifilnvtw," Knyx thni uttt jowt,

" I hiivc H tiftiuty jwire
" WhltiJ't, when y»u jilwwtt to take the ftlw , ,
" . , with tltuir nhtililu wht^Kidmil fmt y«»n,
" That iittUhur mihl }»ir hwiki tihail ten |M«,
" Anil, iikt> vinliwllfw, with thisir f«*thew

yn« hi nil nortu uf wtswthcw," tfut&aitd C^iwr*«, ii, 6li3.