1I!I* *** Ambled by any applause in the present age, than by hosts
" of iuoh critics as Dean Milles." * He was very steady in
his fondness for Gray (though dray appears never to have
quite thrown aside the recollection of their early disagree-
ment t), because there was that real indifference to popular
influences in tine poet, which the wit and fine gentleman was
anxious to have credit for, This liking he proclaimed on
all occasions; had written the short advertisement which
prefaced the first edition of the J&kgy i had himself taken
the risk of publishing, four years before, " a fine edition of
" aix poems of Mr. Gray, with prints from designs of Mr. B,
" Bantlcvy;H ;(: and when ho hoard, in the July of this year,
that Gray had left Ha Cambridge retreat for a visit to
DotUley the bookseller, hi managed, as he says himself, to
11 timteh " away the naw Odm to confer grace on the newly
started types at Strawberry-hill. § These were the Bard

* €ML Lm, v, 823,
t F«r WidpoUfa luxxrant of th»lr ttlffitwaeti wlwm towelling on tho continent
t»l|wthnr In their youth* m» GuU, Itett. y. 840, 841 ; lint Mr, Mitford, in Ms
wiitimt uf (}my, htm ttxptaittatl the mutter <Uflt«raitly, tin tho authority of Mr, Isaac
Ht>tnl. Fr«ii! thin it wuiihi mtnm Uwt t)u> quarrel wows out of a mwpiwon on
WiUjiolw1* jinrt llmt (hny lta*t Bjwken ill ttf Uitn to »iim* frlundu in Kuglaiul, which
itwjwIM hin» t«> *»j«i» eUi'ulpMtiut)tyt ntul »«»l.» tmo <>f (trtty'u l«ttom, Thin wtw
iliittNiv«*rtHi mul rtwwitel, HVrAt, ii. ITS, '«•*. It. la right to iuld» however, tluit
ilm »«»tmt, k nut l««r«tt tmt l»y wlmt, (Imy mitl bt NlntiuU, c«« the lattar qneHtkming
Uiw itJ««it y« »n»rr«l. *' Wiiljns4t%" ivplivii tinny* ** ww *m of the Hint miuintor,
" mttl yott »»y «tMily ttoM«J¥» tlwt im thi* atwmwt Iw might tuMtime on air of
*' «|»rli»rit|, or tl» IMP nay ftwiwilMiig which jwrim}* 1 did nut Iww M wall as I
"ought." M%s»*^, ». IS, ThS% ««t«tobW,ljt wouM bew out WaJiiulo, who
all tl»l kind of bknw fraakly to hiwwlf,

$ gMUaownSbwt Notoirf hk liftt, /Mtonrto ^««» (1848, 1844, oMieluding
msriwt), Iy, S48, to ata fain brW Memoir of <hmy, mul tlw lottura to Browu wul
ll.«*»»» iu Mltfwif* &riw/Ki»*l<f»«t/tfmftt«4ljl*ww{ltt53) xxxiil, 88, ondl>2.

§ ll I »»teh«i tlwtt out of Ut«W«|*8 to»l% nutl tlnty awfai to the flntt fruto
" *»f wy jinmd," fM, X*tt, ill 804, *HMt» % Mr, (Iray. Printed nt Strawlmrry
•' iliU, ft* E, wdJ. DoiUay ta Ml *Wl 1757. 4to." The publlnhing price.
WIM a AitUftff, fl I yrt ftrfteei with pdit," wrcrta Wliarfcin to Hwwn In 1781,
win* their friwtl hmt bwn tea y*w Su the gtaw, H upon the cool reception
" whlult UIOMR ttflbto »!«, Th» iVugre*i «»f J?«oljry wtd The Bard, met with at their
'* ft mi pnbUmtltin ; it »i»j»mr»tJ Uwt lit«w wwt act twenty people In Euglwid who