1757, where lie lived for the next few months, IB matter of
Et, 29, great uncertainty, But his letters wore addressed to the
Temple Exchange eoffeo-house, near Temple-bar, where
the " George" ho celebrates in ono of his essays took
charge of them j the garret where ho wrote and, slept is
supposed to have boon in ono of tho courts near the
neighbouring Salisbury-fiquarc ; Poutor Kippia, one of tho
Monthly IloviowcrB* " was improsKftl by Home faint rocol-
" lection of his having nwtlo trauHlations from the French
"among others of a tnlo from Voltairo;0 and tho recol-
lection is made stronger by one of hia autographs formerly
in J labor's collection, which purports to bo a receipt from
Mr. lialph Griffiths for ten guineas, probably signed a day
or two before ho left tho Monthly* for translation of a book
•entitled Memoir* of my LnAy 11,* Another writer in tho
MfMew, Doctor James Grainger, to whom hia residence at
the sign of the Dmieiad had iniulo him known, and of
whom the translation of Tibnltwt, tho Otfa to MnUtutk, the.
ballad of Bft/an and Perwnet imtl tho poem of tho &ntjw>
have kopt it memory very ploiinrutt though very limited,
made tho same coffee-house Ju» place of call, and often
, naw Goldsmith thwut Th« niontlt in which ho separated
from Griffiths was that in which Newbory'a Library
lost Johimuu'B sorvlcos; but this ueoms the

* friar, I, 87B.
f **Bfy }«»r worthjr frittml, Or. tiralnger, wii*» r*ti}cl0tl for Many yisaw at St.
* Oltriitojjlier**, tuwurett we," &0, &a. 4nfm«lml M«/«rv, v. IRK, "An ngrtni"
' aW« man,*1 iwlil JohttHon 5 "« »m» whn wmihi da tiny gw.nl Utttt wiw in IH'H
1 iHtwor,** "Out of th« mort g»nen»tt«» frbwSly, ntul \mmnkui man I ovur
'knew,1* tmltl Powy s *'lfe wm to him fclmt 1 »»*«! my firrt ftwumintaittto
"with JtihtuKin.*' MA »««.n of mDttiwty and roncrw** (wUd a writer in tlm

'.'Vpittmhuff)* Mtitjtalm of 17?S, who might haw toon Cii»!*t«i»itl»); "but, !n Hjiito
* uf n, ItrufMl jir«»vi«clftl dtaJout, extremely jile»Sttg in bin (MinvorwUi'in. Ho wiw
* toll, »«nl «ifn lathy ntttko ; i»Ww'fo»turwl» wul rlwpty inwkwl with
1 jwx ; biKoyow wore ijwfat fttitlkoon ; ItUtomjwrgewotttuiiAtitl gtHK

* lia WM tvn n,l«b mwa in tlw ktttiwMgti o