Among his reviews, then, was one of Murphy's Orphan 1759.
of China ; containing good-natured evidence of curiosity as J3t. 31.
to the Chinese people, and of interest in the plans of his
recent reverend visitor (Mr. Percy), at that time preparing a
Chinese translation* for the press. Butler's Remains
furnished him another subject; in which, bewailing the
" indigence in which the poet lived and died," he protested
with generous "horror at the want of discernment, at the
" more than barbarous ingratitude, of his conteinporaries."t
A third was Marriott's Answer to the Critical Review ; con-
taining whimsical and humorous apology for his own satirical
comparisons of three months before. And he found a fourth
in Dunkins's Epistle to Lord, Chesterfield; which he closed
with a story of a traveller passing through the city of Burgos
in Spain, who, desirous of knowing their most learned men,
applied to one of the inhabitants for information. " "What,"
replied the Spaniard, who happened to be a scholar, " have
" you never heard of the admirable Brandellius, or the
" ingenious Mogusius ? one the eye, and the other the heart
" of our university, known aE over the world." " Never,'?
cries the traveller; " but pray inform me what Brandellius
" is particularly remarkable for." " You must be very
" little acquainted in the Bepublic of Letters," says the
other, "to ask such a question. Brandellius has wrote a
" most sublime panegyric on Mogusius." " And prithee,
" what has Mogusius done to deserve so great a favour ? "
" He has written an excellent poem in praise of Brandellius."

* Goldsmith put this,note to his article : "A specimen of this kind" [Chinese
fiction] "will probably appear next season at Mr. Dodsley's, as we are informed."
For the amusing and unsuccessful attempts of Grainger on his friend Percy's behalf,
in 1758, to effect a bargain for the publication with Grimths, see Nichols's Illus-
vii. 249, 250, 259, 261, &c.

t Critical Review, viii. 1, July 1759. The same subject was resumed in the
September number, at page 208 of the same volume.